Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Critical King

Love him or hate him, Tryndamere is a hero not to mess with. The level of pain you deal to him, he will deal it back to you in the form of criticals. A LoL gaming buddy taught me further how to enhance that already deadly hero in this video. Enjoy!

Saturday 28 May 2011

Your Efforts are in Vayne

Finally, I got my hands on the latest LoL hero, Vayne! This is my first game playing as this dandy, Dante-esque champion.

First of all, kudos to Riot for being able to bring very different and diverse skills into the game! They could always copy another hero's flash or dash animation. Instead, Riot decides to use a rollover animation and give it to Vayne as her skill known as Tumble!

Having played the DMC series on the Playstations, this is my first time being able to do such a move in this type of games. I am well-impressed, even though it is such a simple skill.

My build for Vayne is based on the importance of dodging and kiting, just like what Sir Dante and Nero does remarkably in beating countless mobs and bosses without breaking a single sweat. My build is definitely based on my personal preference on playing MANY games. It is, by no means, a LoL efficient/ recommended build unless it so happens to be so.

1) Get FULL cooldown reduction masteries and flat runes. Yes you heard me! CD reduction to the max. If I can remember correctly, it gives you a CD reduction of 23% right at the start.

2) In game, max Tumble as fast as possible. Reason being the cooldown reduces as the skill level increases and it also gives a nice bonus of extra damage for the next attack. This skill is your MAIN skill. Get ready to time it ALOT.

3) Get more cooldown reduction in game. I recommend Ionian boots for the 15% cooldown reduction. After getting this, I just focus on getting other items.

4) Tips while laning, try to harass and zone out your enemy from the creep clash! Kite the poop out of them with Tumble and normal attacking. If their skills are non-target based, try as much as possible to dodge them with your intuition and experience. It's quite satisfactory when you manage to dodge a skill each time. Shows how baller you are and builds your ego-bar!

5) Tips while team-battling, imagine you are Dante. That's more than enough.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Mundo The Purple Dinosaur

Yo guys! Recently, I have been playing with my mundo and it sure reminds me of the reason I spent IP on getting him. Who cares about Barney? Mundo is the newest purple dinosaur in town. This psychotic of a bi-polar hero enjoys both masochism and sadism. Uncomprehendable indeed. He loves you just as much as he hates you. Overpowered melee bruisers for the win. Here's some personal tips when playing Mundo:

1) Slap on cooldown reduction masteries and runes and you've just made his annoying throw cleaver skill deadly! I typically reduce this skills cooldown to almost the same duration as the slow effect of the 1st skill. As long as you hit with the skill, you are bound to destroy your victim.

2) Slap on Mercury Threads for the best anti-crowd control you can achieve. With a 2nd skill that does an AOE- burning damage per second and 30-40% reduced crowd control effects, you basically chase and maw over your enemies to death.

Oh yea, not to forget his ultimate.

In this video there is also another purple beast worth mentioning. The recently altered Alistar going AP fast. AP Alistar is the new AP sion apparently... But I see it as worse, because an AOE stun of 2 seconds definitely outmatches a single target 1.75 second stun. This built has it's flaws but as long you know how to cover it up with precise ultimate activation, you're good as gold.

Check out the video to get visually what I mean:

Army of Two (Minecrafters)

Yo guys, it's Chong J, finally making my debut on the Pwnin' Boundaries blog.

Some time ago, we were invited to the World of Eldin, a public Minecraft server. Since Pwnin' Boundaries had yet to try Minecraft multiplayer mode, and were quite eager to get in on it, we decided to take a step into Eldin.

We had no idea what to expect out of multiplayer, and got going with a pretty slow start...

Not knowing where or what to start with, we decide to try and explore sounds-like-a-desert Damascus. We end up "raiding" someone's mine system, but encounter lots of surprises when we decided to go outside.

After our experience through a night in Eldin, we figure we need to high-tail it back to safety. In the meantime, Momojin and I -because we are literally at opposite ends of the world (12 hour time difference, I kid you not)- are forced to communicate over Skype, which unfortunately, causes some problems... (hopefully ones that will not occur in the future)

And in the end, we wound up back at where we started.
Thankfully, when my sound dies, Momojin gets his back. Next time, we'll see things from Momojin's perspective, and he'll also feature the parts in episode 3 where my sound becomes inaudible. Stay tuned, as we pwn more boundaries!

Friday 20 May 2011

The Nexus Race

No, viewers, this is not a Starcraft 2 strategy where I tell you Protoss users to build another Nexus as soon as possible and set up another sub-base. This race happens in League of Legends where a single backdoorer or backdooring hero races against the 5 enemy heroes to destroy the Nexus. Before I begin, I must explain to the players with DotA backgrounds that, YES, it is legitimate/ allowed to backdoor someone's base like a Trojan horse/ worm virus. The backdoorer is typically a mindblowingly strong auto-attacker. Though it sounds like a rather cunning tactic in securing a perceivably cheap win, it is a victory nonetheless.

I have seen many backdoor attempts and most of them succeed. Too bad for me.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Special Thai Entertainment

We here at Pwnin Boundaries know that you readers love entertainment as well. We bring you some Thai food today! You can call me back if you need water.

100% Authentic Ownage and Pawnage.

Time for angry Thai to own back. Pyromaniac style!

Sunday 15 May 2011

Expedition Gone Wrong

Yo Momojin here. A lightning struck and my internet connection is down once again. It's like a routine thing now, since my ISP, TMnet, has not been able to provide a solution to this problem. They only do temporary solutions. So I got bored and thought I continue my solo survival in Minecraft on offline mode.

It was day when I spawned back in the Minecraft world and thought gathering stuff outside would be a great idea during the day. Here's a neat little trick to help you which I discovered. Instead of slaying the pigs with the swords you created, go ahead and light 'em up on fire! Watch the video if you are lazy to read. Here's how:
1) Create Flint & Steel, aka Lighter. It is made using the workbench. Place a flint in the left slot and a piece of steel in the bottom slot. Both the items will be located diagonally to each other. Viola! A lighter!
2) Right click the ground around the pigs and watch as the catch fire! They will burn to death once they are on fire, so there is no need to re-light them.
3) Enjoy the squealing sounds of agony while you wait for them to die. Pretend to be a pyromaniac! However, do not go starting fires without caution of trees catching fire. If a tree of a forest catches fire, be prepared for the fire to spread and cause massive amounts of lag! Guaranteed! By the way, the reason why the pigs keep burning when they catch on fire is that the pigs' fat becomes the fuel of the fire. Pigs' have a lot of fatty oil and it feeds the fire, in addition to of course oxygen. I am just blabbering. Hahaha...
4) Hey! what's that they dropped? It's charred! Yes, while they are burning in pain, their succulent meat is being cooked at the same time! You get instant cooked porkchops! No need for the hassle of shoving them in the furnace. Convenience and efficiency, I like.

This great tip works great in Survival Single-Player and Survival Multi-Player.

Additionally, I went to explore around the lava lake I bumped into.

Friday 13 May 2011

Coolie in Minecraft

Yo, my fellow viewers! If you are wondering what does a coolie mean, a coolie is a historical word for manual labourers from India in the 19th and 20th century. Can also be spelled as Cooly, Quli, Koelie, and, more commonly known in Malaysia as, Kuli. In Cantonese, you'll probably hear the pronounciation of GU LEI!!! So why is this term associated with Minecraft?

Well, an Indian decided to try out Minecraft and told me about his perspective and views on this game so far. He is definitely getting addicted. He said he is reliving his ancestors' ancient lifestyle in digital format. Hahahaha... I quote, "Dis game like a veli easee. I do a little' chopPa digGa buildDa." After watching the video, you should have notice he has an Indian accent. =D His accent sure comes in handy when there is tension in the atmosphere.

On a side note, while ChongJ and I were playing some Minecraft Coop, we came up with the word OMGWTFBBQ, BUT not just with any barbeque sauce. We use it with BIEBERQUE sauce. Thus, we have created a new meme! OMGBIEBERQUESAUCE!

Enough written! Enjoy the 2 part video.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Red Neck LoL Gamers

Momojin here to rage! MOMORAGE!!! Just played a LoL match with some asian red necks on Garena and boy oh boy are they a handful. They don't really want to grow up, do they?

Firstly, please don't go around bashing and flaming and underestimating other players with your condescending behaviour. If you are going to boast and undermine other players, please do it in your bedrooms. Unfortunately, I guess people like you really fully utilise their so called freedom of speech and opinion and bla bla bla for this purposes. If you've got nothing better to say, don't say/type/write it. Simple.

Secondly, you sure when you started LoL, you were not a newbie? Please don't bash new players just because they are newbies. YOU WERE ONCE LIKE THAT, for goodness sake! The concept of noobility DOES NOT MEAN someone who plays less skillfully as you. It means NEW to the game. Just because they don't have more match experience as you, does not mean they are noobs. You got freaking amnesia or something, is it?

Thirdly, please don't be so conceited as to think that you won the game just because of your own skill level. There are a whole ton of factors that you don't even realise or do deny. What about luck? Higher-skilled public teammates? Less-skilled public team enemies? The chances that your intuition and decisions in game were right? The chances that your enemy team's decisions and intuitions in game were wrong? Think think think for a bit.

Stop being a red neck and, please, for your sake, grow up. Even if I am not your victim, I cringe when I see other people being victimised by this lowly gamers.

(Rage Over)

Yo guys! WASSUP! Bringing you some Renekton gameplay. Man, is this hero OP or what? I decided to change my style of videos and edit way, WAY, more. I will now try to shrink each match to one youtube video, unless other reasons tell me not to do so. They are mostly highlights. Straight to the point or points. Compressed Matches. Bringing you engages after engages, battles after battles, ganks after ganks, fails after fails and win after wins.

So, if you guys are still unaware, I play full cooldown reduction runes for my crowd control effect skills, but of course it does give me secondary benefits. While I was playing Renekton, I could dish out his first skill, some AOE damage spinning skill, like every 3 seconds? Heck, that's pretty handy when it helps you build rage and lifesteals.

I don't think RIOT nerfed Renekton, quote MANY LOL PLAYERS. Too bad RIOT is still trying to figure out how to nerf tanky dps/casters in the game.

Enjoy this ONE part video! =D

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Wait, Why is There No Monsters?

RRaaawrrr... Time for some solo survival in Minecraft after nyan cat motivated me! Long time since I did solo. I feel hyped.
Put on my first texture pack for Minecraft. Sharp design by x1Gambler1x. Credits to him! I soon discover sharper textures is equivalent to duller looking cubes.

As I begin my endeavor to obtain the strongest material in Minecraft, I rediscover my Chinese roots. Ni Hao? I love my Chinese accent.

Does typing showmethediamonds give me diamonds? It worked in Warcraft 3 or, was it, Starcraft. A little tip on finding diamonds: go to the same below-sea depth as lava lakes and look around. Plus, do not forget to mine around each lava lake you come across. The diamonds might be hiding behind some smoothstone. 

I heard Portal has companion cubes. Looks like Minecraft does too. Plus, they can be multi-racial. The stove is Muthu, the workbench is Ah Beng, and the storage twins are Ali and Abu. If you can't tell, Muthu is Indian, Ah Beng is Chinese and Ali and Abu are Malays.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Skype + League of Legends

Three doods chat it out over skype while having a match. Nebuer learns more about LoL, Roxcrosser pawns, and Momojin screams hysterically. Enjoy this 3 part video of Malaysian Slang filled conversations.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Are You Ready to Rumble?

Ladies & Gentlemen, welcome to the League of Legends. On one side of the arena we have spongeboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobkiller! On the other side, we have 5 other champions. Are you ready to ruuuuuuuuuuuummblleeehhh hahahaha.

Momojin here. Just messin' with you guys. I just bought Rumble and decided to upload my first game with this champion along with live commentary. Hope you enjoy this 5 part match-up!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

New League of Legend Series: Double Team

Hey guys! I'm bringing you a new strategies and tips series known as Double Team. In this videos, I'll be giving you some helpful tactics on synergising your skills with your LoL gaming buddy's skills. You don't need a full party of 5 to pull off these simple and effective tricks.

Here's the first Double Team! Enjoy the 2 part video.

Monday 2 May 2011

One-Sided Match is One-Sided

Yo, Momojin here. Just played a game where I got freaking bashed just for not being able to farm well with Morgana in ONE match. Naturally, typical narrow-minded gamers stereotyped me as being a noob. Now, narrow-minded LoL gamers have the impression that riot is apparently about farming for mid/late battles. These gamers just cast my team support gameplay aside and focused on my farming instead? Nice!

Thanks for listening to my little rant, readers and viewers. This videos are, fortunately, not about me bashing my narrow-minded teammates in a LoL match I played. It's about another match where my team completely pub stomps.

Enjoy the 2 part video!

Sunday 1 May 2011

As Promised, I Bring You Karthus

Yo Viewers and Readers! Momojin here. I finally bought the hero Karthus with all my 6.3k hard earned IP and boy am I the cheap in matches. Watch the following vids as I, a jack of all games, provide you with a little strategy in easily and, maybe, cheaply securing a victory in League of Legend matches.

They are split into 4 parts.