Friday 29 July 2011

Double Team: Blitzcrank x Orianna

Long time since I release a League of Legends video! Remember to rate them so that I know you guys demand more! Back to the main topic, Double Team episode is up! This time featuring Blitzcrank and his smexy piece of hardware, aka girlfriend, in a Double Team series. Behind every successful steam golem is a psychopathic mecha girl!


Tuesday 26 July 2011

Project Actually Started

The Minecraft Project has started! and we're at 16% completion... of preparing the base! Building will soon follow. Plus, it's not actually easy to prepare the base of our project. Find out why? We even planned ahead to seek the use of the gunpowder we collected from our mob trap.

We show you the first step of our project and it is not exactly easy to do especially with only ChongJ and Momojin around. We seek the use of TNT.

We were forcefully sent back to our factory. Here we give you another update on our factory upgrades.

Sunday 24 July 2011

Building for the Future

Our second update on ChongJ and Momojin's situation in the NGT Minecraft Realms server. We've working hard, thinking creatively and planning thoroughly. We give you a glimpse of how well we've planned ahead of our project.

Plus, since Nether was finally up for multiplayer, we decided to give it a shot!

A little update on our progress so far... Most of what we've done will go towards helping us in the future instead of immediately.

We made a portal to the Nether, and step in to collect some glowstone.

Our glowstone extraction project is threaten by lava-bathing giant white faces that shoot fiery cannon balls.

We discuss a bit about one of ChongJ's tendancies. Plus, we make it out from Nether ALIVE!!!

Friday 22 July 2011

Piston Trap - Transforming room

With Minecraft's 1.7 update, lots of players have been making amazing inventions with the newly implemented pistons.

I (ChongJ) got inspired to make use of the pistons as well, and ended up devising this piston trap. The trap "transforms" the room around the victim, catching him off-guard, and trapping him until the lava finishes him off. This video both showcases the trap, and explains how to make it.

If you'd like to get a closer look at the trap, you can download this save to check it out:
Click here to download "Lava Trap"

Instructions on using the save:
  1. Get to the .minecraft folder by clicking Start menu > Run, or pressing Windows button+R, and then typing "%appdata%\.minecraft"
  2. Place the Lava Trap.rar file in /.minecraft/saves
  3. Extract the files from Lava Trap.rar into the "saves" folder
  4. Run Minecraft and load the Lava Trap save
NOTE! - In order to use this save properly, your Minecraft version must be at least 1.7.2.

Back to Cube One

After trying for weeks to get ourselves whitelisted on NextGenTactics's "Minecraft Realms" server, we finally get in, and set off to start our next project.

In this video, we had just finished traveling what we believe was a suitable distance from spawn, and share a little about our plans for the area.

As we continue to work, we encounter a zombie spawner, and decide to take care of it by surrounding it with torches.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Rush Hour

ChongJ as CBladezzz, the Priest;
Roxcrosser as Himself, the Acrobat;
Momojin as Himself, the Mercenary.

Oh Shi... Close Beta ends in an hour and Rox and Momo are stil level 23. What will they do to become level 24?!

Team Meat Loaf versus Orc Brothers! Fight!

Boss Manticore wants to kill the team for hurting his pride. Will Team Meat Loaf survive? Will they prevail again?

Will Momojin be able to reach level 24 in time? Will his friends' help be in vain?

Wednesday 20 July 2011

New Missions on Abyss

Roxcrosser, ChongJ and Momojin jump right back into the main story quests. Got us involved in new mission maps. We were so enthusiastic, we went straight for abysmal difficulty. At the same time, we continually trim our party's general metagame.

First hands on Death Basin and we are doing it on abyss like pros. Stretch your ears and make sure to listen to those protips. 

We find ourselves struggling to keep up with this basin. Someone turn that dang monster tap off!

First introduction to terrain traps. I am impressed yet again. Adding a new element in doing missions. Brilliant.

Rox Joins Us

Roxcrosser joins our ranks in annihilating the ogre, troll, goblin and many other scum off the paths in each mission. Now who will dare stand against us with our DPS with us.

We're all finally playing together! Time to crush our enemies.

Through experimenting and failing, we develop strategies to survive and complete the missions more efficiently.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Enough Talk, Back to Action

After just purely talking in 3 videos about how great Dragon Nest is, it's time to suit up and actually experience that greatness. ChongJ's back from the bed and we're ready to go full throttle again.

Momojin and ChongJ update you on their current status of things. Missions, level, quests and many more included.

...and of course, Metagame, is included as well. Our skills and roles pooled together to create more than just 1+1 teamwork.

We test out our 2 member party metagame in Forest of Death.

Monday 18 July 2011

Dragon Nest Review and Merits

After a mere 22 hours of non-stop close beta gaming of Dragon Nest SEA, ChongJ is finally off to bed. I, however, just came from bed. I start off to give a review of this game and my opinions of a good game. Go ahead and watch the 3 part videos to find out just what makes Momojin so fascinated about Dragon Nest.

This is game corrects the flaws of past MMORPGs. Eyedentity has definitely done its homework.

We take a look at the concept of instances in Dragon Nest and the implications of such a standpoint towards Action MMORPGaming.

A recording function in-built in a game!? Now Eyedentity is definitely hinting something to us. ;O

Thursday 14 July 2011

Dragon Nest SEA CBT Starts!

ChongJ and Momojin have not been this excited for a looong time. We dive into our very first action-based MMORPG that looks both promising and intriguing. Join us as we play Dragon Nest!

Dragon Nest SEA Close Beta is ON! ChongJ and I get on the server and celebrate.

We start off with the first cut scene of the game. Plus, it's my first cut scene for an MMORPG. Baller~

We are very satisfied with both subtle and major features of this game. Kudos Eyedentity!

So MANY testers rushing quests! But I am more surprised at how Dragon Nest's design handles so many players.

We come across the basic mobs of Dragon Nest. They are actually goblins, but whatever.

An inside joke between ChongJ and Momojin.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Orianna Hearts Her Friends

Go google Orianna. Her name means Golden Dawning. Plus, it's a person that is emotional, sensitive and one that treasures her friends. I kid you not. Somewhat spot on to the concept and behaviour of one of League of Legends' latest heroes, the clockwork girl.

This is my third game using her and this is THE game that marks the shift in my League of Legends gaming. I experiment with a build that suits my utilisation of Orianna, Support Heavy & Counter Aggression. This game sparked my interest in Support.

Enjoy the 5 part video where I expose the build, changes to the build, advantages and gameplay methods.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Friday 8 July 2011

This-is-Why-I-Heart-Support Series!

This a new series showcasing my love for support heroes, or playing heroes to support. Assists and counter-aggression is my name of the game. The ultimate goal is to augment, save and preserve my teammates through several tactics like:
1) Counter tower dives.
2) Self-sacrificial rescue attempts.

This first episode shows me as Janna as I attempt to preserve her life from Master Yi's onslaught.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Boys Just Wanna Have Fun

ChongJ and I continue to roam around Stonerville (Reminds me of smokers. *Impersonates oral inhalation*). We saw a theme park. We dive straight into it.

Gigantic water slide and height drop ride fails!

Rollercoasters and minecart rides without CARTS!? ARG!

Frustrated visitors resort to short glitchy rides.

Be Constructively Inspired!

BCI for short. ChongJ and I bum rushed into Mcsmp server's alternative! It's a building-based server filled with snazzy plugins and, more importantly, marvelous constructs. We explore towns after towns.

We enter to find ourselves surprised. It was a huge contrast compared to dxmap.

Our eyes were bombarded with epic building and our minds were clogged with inspiration.

We come across the intercity transportation system, the Stargates, and it was good.

ChongJ and I check our sdmap's main city.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Intense Co-op Pvp Action!

YEA RIGHT! ChongJ and I finally do what we are suppose to do in a minecraft survival multiplayer/ player versus player server, hunt pigs and people. Oh yea... Get ready boys and girls.

We smelt up, suit up and gear up! Time to kick some butts.

We form the ultimate clan of 2. Reminds me of DOUBLE DRAGON!

We get our butts handed to us and Momojin doesn't like it one bit.